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Kurumba Maldives

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Terms and Conditions
Check-in 1400 hrs, check-out 1200 hrs. Late Check-out can be booked subject to availability at the resort and can be booked a day prior to departure.
Check the last offers and discounts in our SPECIAL OFFER page.
We will notify you as quickly as possible of any eventual cancellation. We may cancel the holiday if you do not pay the balance of the price on time and we may retain the deposit you have paid. In the event of cancellation by us you will be entitled to either: 1) have a full refund; or 2) accept a substitute alternative from us of equivalent or closely similar standard and price, if one is available; or 3) choose a substitute alternative of a lower standard to the travel arrangements booked together with a refund of the difference in price. We will also, if appropriate, pay you a compensation.
No refund is offered for cancellations, no shows or early departures.
We are not responsible for and have no liability for the acts or omissions of persons who are not acting as our employees or suppliers. We accept responsibility, subject as limited by the booking conditions, for supplying to you all holiday services booked by you, even though we will have engaged independent suppliers to provide certain of these services. We will have no liability to pay compensation to you for any failure to properly perform the holiday contract, where the failure is attributable to you. Examples would be that any member of your party is unable to travel for medical reasons, or fails to take his/her passport with him/her or a passport which meets the requirements of the country(ies) of the holiday (some countries require you to have at least 6 months validity on your passport from the date on which you leave that country), or to get a required visa or health certificate, or to check in early enough to catch the flight or to turn up in time for an excursion/activity for whatever reason, or mislays or loses holiday documentation, or is reasonably excluded by a supplier because of misconduct or medical reasons, or is not provided with a holiday service because of an error in the information given by you. We will have no liability to pay compensation to you for any failure to properly perform the holiday contract, where the failure is: 1) attributable to a third party unconnected with the provision of the holiday services, and which was unforeseeable or unavoidable; 2) due to unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised: 3) due to an event which we, even with all due care, could not foresee or forestall. We assume no responsibility for any loss, damage to baggage, property or for injury illness or death or for any damages or claims however so caused arising directly or indirectly from war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, actions of governments or other state bodies, unavoidable technical problems with transport, machinery or equipment, delays, power failure, natural or nuclear disaster, avalanche, fire, adverse weather conditions or levels of water in rivers, accidents, force major, Acts of God. Where we are required to pay you compensation, whether as provided in these booking terms or otherwise, we will pay 50 USD per person. We may in appropriate circumstances increase the sum but our liability to pay compensation shall be limited in all circumstances to the lesser of a maximum of two times the price of the holiday.
Any person or company who do not have a contract or credit facilities with us, are to pay by bank transfer to the account given in the Proforma Invoice. All the invoices should be settled as per the following payment terms (unless specified otherwise): 30% of the invoice is due within 7 days of the booking; the remainder is due 30 days before the holiday starts. Once the remittance is made, please send us a copy of the same along with payment details. If there is any discrepancy on our invoice, it should be brought forward to our notice within 03 days of receipt. No reduction on our invoices is allowed at any circumstance without prior authorization or credit note.